Most of the consumer-end cameras use similar image sensors, a CCD with 3-8 MP. They have been the only one available at this range of cameras and have for the most part worked well, with some limitations. This "new" Super CCD chip from FujiFilm is different. It has taken FujiFilm 5-6 years to improve the technology to the point at which it is competitive with the standard CCD. Without offering a lot of technical reason I will show a highly unscientific test based on this camera compared to a 7.1 MP Nikon. The Nikon is just a representative for the "other" cameras of similar resolution. In looking at these images the F10 show better resolution and lower noise that the higher pixel count Nikon, or for that matter, most other 7 and even 8 MP CCD consumer cameras.
Because of the F10's low noise it has the ability to take very good quality pictures with ISO up to 1600. This is unheard of in this class of cameras. The third picture, night scene, was taken at ISO 1600. Even ISO 200 on a "regular" camera is noisy and ISO 400, the max on most cameras, is close to useless. This new ability to take picture at high ISO opens up a whole new world to point and shoot cameras. In combination with a relatively fast lens (F2.8-F5.0) and high ISO one can now take pictures in situation that was very difficult before.
Acknowledgements: the building photos were taken by Steve's Digicams, the night shot was taken by DPReview.
Check out their reviews for a more detailed description of the F10
FujiFilm FinePix F10 (6.3 MP) by Steve's Digicams
See link, images not approved for display on this web page.
Nikon Coolpix 7600 (7.1 MP) by Steve's Digicams
See link, images not approved for display on this web page.
FujiFilm FinePix F10 at ISO 1600 by DPReview

1 comment:
Hello... I am also a Fuji F10 owner. I liked your review. I believe all serious photographers would want this camera in their pockets at all times. Many people leave their large cameras at home because they are just too clumsy to carry around. The F10 is small enough to go anyway and has enough pixels to take outstanding photos.
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