30 September 2005

Camera Review - FujiFilm FinePix F10

This is by no means a comprehensive review, but a note to those looking into buying a point and shoot camera. This is a newsworthy camera that is significantly different from the rest.
Most of the consumer-end cameras use similar image sensors, a CCD with 3-8 MP. They have been the only one available at this range of cameras and have for the most part worked well, with some limitations. This "new" Super CCD chip from FujiFilm is different. It has taken FujiFilm 5-6 years to improve the technology to the point at which it is competitive with the standard CCD. Without offering a lot of technical reason I will show a highly unscientific test based on this camera compared to a 7.1 MP Nikon. The Nikon is just a representative for the "other" cameras of similar resolution. In looking at these images the F10 show better resolution and lower noise that the higher pixel count Nikon, or for that matter, most other 7 and even 8 MP CCD consumer cameras.
Because of the F10's low noise it has the ability to take very good quality pictures with ISO up to 1600. This is unheard of in this class of cameras. The third picture, night scene, was taken at ISO 1600. Even ISO 200 on a "regular" camera is noisy and ISO 400, the max on most cameras, is close to useless. This new ability to take picture at high ISO opens up a whole new world to point and shoot cameras. In combination with a relatively fast lens (F2.8-F5.0) and high ISO one can now take pictures in situation that was very difficult before.

Acknowledgements: the building photos were taken by Steve's Digicams, the night shot was taken by DPReview.

Check out their reviews for a more detailed description of the F10

FujiFilm FinePix F10 (6.3 MP) by Steve's Digicams
See link, images not approved for display on this web page.

Nikon Coolpix 7600 (7.1 MP) by Steve's Digicams
See link, images not approved for display on this web page.

FujiFilm FinePix F10 at ISO 1600 by DPReview

29 September 2005

Icelandic Horse - Geyser!

Iceland do not have many types of animals, but the Icelandic horse is one of the main creatures there besides man. It is a small horse and very strong horse. It reminded me some of the Norwegian "Fjording."
This volcanic island offers a wealth of strange natural phenomena.
Check our the Geyser in the background. The word is derived from the Icelandic word Geysir, meaning, "to rush forth".


Lifeguard. Most lifeguards are dressed rather light because if you want to swim, the weather is usually warm. Not here, The Blue Lagoon in Iceland. The lifeguards wear rain-proof thermal suits and boots, hats and mittens. I guess this is how you dress when the weather is 45 deg F and raining. The nuts in the pool however are having a good time, the water is 90+ deg F. Picture taken in June 2005.

Minimalistic Photos

Minimalistic picture. I have been experimenting with minimalistic photos, meaning almost monotone or very simple scenes. Some of these pistures are best appreciated in large prints where little details come out clear.

Airplane - yes there is an airplane there on the left hand side.



Suiseki and Chinese Scholar Stones. We have been involved in Bonsai and Penjing for several years, but have only in the last couple of years started collecting Suiseki. This is a large stone foot long by 1/2 foot tall - all natural. It is a reminder of a large mountain. Suiseki is the Japanese word for these type of stones that remind you of nature. Chinese call then Scholar Stones. You can learn more about these type of stones from the National Bonsai Foundation.

Photo Backgound

I was taking photos of some urns and had set up a blue background. Since the children were around I figured I photograph them too. They did not seem to mind.

27 September 2005

Improving your pictures using Picasa

Here is a before and after picture. Picasa was used to bring out the colors and cut out the distracting surroundings, for a much more pleasing photo. This is a Bonsai tree - Juniper, taken at the 2005 Florida Bonsai meeting in Cape Canaveral.



26 September 2005

Lucas's soccer

Lucas played soccer. Unfortunately they are always playing experienced team and being trounced every time.

Olivia swimming

Olivia won two of her four swim races this weekend. This one is breast stroke. She also got a second and a third spot. Olivia is the one on the right with the blue cap.

New Member Award

This photo won the New Member Award from Artistic Framing. This picture is from Møre og Romsdal in Norway, summer 2005.

Second place award

Second place award at the Wide angle photo show - Animals Category. New Orleans Zoo.

Favorite show picture

This was my favorite picture of the Photo show, it did not receive an award, but I gave it to a person that had been admiring it all weekend. Pensacola Beach.

President's award

President's award. Received this award at the Wide Angle Photoshow this weekend. Kalvåg, Norway.