About Digital Photography and things you discover about the World as you get out to explore it.
04 April 2006
Uptown wineglass in Downtown Pensacola.
Pensacola Jazzfest 2006 -- base. This is the base being played a couple of pictures down.
Pensacola Jazzfest 2006.
Pensacola Jazzfest 2006.
Tampa Florida. Picture taken from the Plant Park at the University of Tampa.
Southern Alabama Pecan Orchards
Where did the people go?
Springtime in Southern Alabama - Magnolia Springs
03 April 2006
The Double Creasted Cormorant evaluating his options. This and the following pictures were taken at the Gulf Breeze Zoo in March 2006
What are you looking at, up there? Tough for ostriches to look up. It tilts its head to the side to get at least one eye on the overhead action.
Sorry, just up!
Passed out!
Somebody has to be the pretty one.
Bring your camera closer son! Just a little bit closer.
Tough to fly with just one and a half wing!
Zoos really trying hard to create a "Natural" environment. Llamas are native to the high altitudes and cold weather of the South American Andes. The Zebras are native to the central and eastern plains of Africa.